Neapolitan Home Watch
Neapolitan Home Watch checks the overall condition of your home while you're away on vacation or at a second home. We provide home watch services for your condominium, single family residence or any type of real estate.
We can be the eyes and ears on your property while you're away. We recommend weekly visits to keep eyes on the property more often. If you require some special arrangement, let us know and we can work out the details.
Our fees are based on the size of your home and individual needs. We can set up an appointment to meet at your home to go over the details and services required. We provide visual inspections and digital reports after each home visit.
We have a service agreement outlining our responsibility to you. We have an eye for detail, a nose for sniffing out trouble and a bulldog approach to getting tasks done. We cover most of Collier County.
References available upon request.
Please feel free to call 239-206-6183
Meet & Greet
A little bit about our background...

Welcome to our website Neapolitan Home Watch. I'm Kate and here is a little bit about me.
In short, we love Naples!
We’ve had a family home here since 2014. Our dream came true for Mark and I to marry at the Ritz Carlton in 2015. In July 2022 we finally transitioned here full-time to raise our family. We feel the opportunities in Naples are second to none, plus it’s paradise! Our children are now proud students of St Ann’s and St John Neumann catholic schools. All three have immersed themselves into their new school life and as a family we are enjoying investing our energies into voluntary events within the schools and community.
We are proud members of the Florida Home Watch Association...
What does that mean to our customers?
Who are we?
As a member of the professional Florida Home Watch Association. We believe that by providing professional quality service to each and every customer we all will succeed individually and as an association.
We believe, based on current market trends, we need more home watch companies to handle the growth of our industry in Florida. Together we can ensure we meet the current and future needs while growing our individual businesses the right way where the customer’s needs come first.
We agree to abide by our Code. Our business is required to be registered with the State of Florida, the business owner(s) agree to a criminal background check, provide proof of generally liability insurance and bonding to protect their clients and any prospective client (YOU)!
We believe each home owner should provide the own due diligence research as well and should always ask for and obtain a “current” certificate of insurance and bonding from any home watch company they consider prior to entering into a service agreement.
Core Values
As a member of the Florida Home Watch Association each member agrees to follow these Core Values
We will:
- Strive each day to provide the highest quality home watch service available to our customers.
- Will be professional when interacting with our business associates, customers, the public in general at all times so as to present ourselves, our business and the home watch industry as whole in a positive light.
- Will be honest at all times with associates, customers and the general public.
- Will strive to always put the needs of our client before ourselves and our bottom line whenever possible.
- Will provide only truthful and up to date information on any information we provide to the public including but not limited to our business card(s), flyer(s), pamphlet(s), website(s) and emails.
- Will strive to keep our minds open to new trends, new training opportunities, ideas presented by other home watch professionals that may possibly help us provide an even better service for our customers.
- Will always maintain liability insurance and theft/honesty bonding (when necessary/required) to protect our customers, our company and the reputation of the home watch industry as whole.
- Will not provide any services that we are not licensed, insured or qualified to provide by state or local laws.
- Will compete honestly and fairly with other home watch companies regardless of whether they do or not. We will strive to never use negative sales techniques when discussing the competition. Instead we will focus on the many positive reasons a customer should choose our service over another then let the customer decide which service is best for them.
Terms of Use
The Florida Home Watch Association [FHWA] is a group of home watch companies which have agreed to hold themselves to a higher standard of service to their customers when operating their business on a day to day basis, this is known as the code.
FHWA requires each member company to be insured, bonded and to follow all state and local laws with regard to business ownership and operation.
FHWA requires a member to provide proof of insurance and bonding before joining and then annually thereafter. If a member is found not maintaining insurance as agreed, the FHWA will suspend their membership and accreditation as well as remove their information from this website.
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